Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dual Flush Toilets can Save you Money

High efficiency aka Dual flush toilets save you money by reducing your water and wastewater costs. Over the course of a lifetime, an average person flushes the toilet nearly 140,000 times. If you install a Dual flush toilet, you can save 4,000 gallons per year and your children can each save about a third of a million gallons during their lifetime. If a family of four replaces one 3.5 gpf toilet made between 1980 and 1994 with a WaterSense toilet, they can save $2,000 over the lifetime of the toilet. If the toilet being replaced was made before 1980, it uses 5 gallons per flush so the savings will be much greater. If you’d like to calculate how much water you can save try the water savings calculator on

With these savings, new dual flush can pay for themselves in only a few years. Even better, many local utilities offer substantial rebates for replacing old toilets with HETs.

Dual flush toilets: