Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Average person uses fifty gallons of water per day

Be aware of how much water you use! Awareness is the first step in conservation. The average person uses fifty gallons of water per day on the following activities:

· Toilet - 19 gallons per day
· Bathing & hygiene - 15 gallons per day
· Laundry - eight gallons per day
· Kitchen - seven gallons per day
· Housekeeping - one gallon per day


You can determine your average daily water use by using one of the following two methods.

Metered Water

If your water use is metered, review your water bill. Divide your water usage by the number of days in the billing period and also by the number of residents of your household. If your water is measured in cubic feet, convert to gallons by multiplying by 7.48.

Unmetered Water

If your water use is not metered, you must determine your water use for each fixture. Flow rates for showers and faucets can be measured by using a container and watch to measure the amount of water discharged through the fitting in a minute. Toilet use per flush can be approximated by measuring the volume of water inside the toilet tank (width x length x height) and dividing by 231. (There are 231 cubic inches in a gallon of water.) After you have determined the water use of each fixture, you will need to record the number of uses and the length of time each fixture is used to determine your average daily water use. Remember to estimate the amount of water used by appliances such as clothes washers and dishwashers as well as home water treatment systems.

Water-saving devices are economical and permanent. Low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators save valuable water and energy used to heat water without requiring changes in personal water use habits. Dual flush toilets are also a great way to conserve water.